The Scroll, Inc.     
The Scroll, Inc. -- Where Money, Intelligence, and Technology collide in a terrible, terrible accident.
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The Scroll Chronicles

The Scroll Chronicles is a lovely tale that the whole family can enjoy. It, like its predecessor (The Scroll), is a humorous and time-honored novel presenting the journeys of such great people as Derek, Jeremy, and Brian. The Scroll Chronicles describes the journeys of these great people when the modern world was taking shape. It covers a one-thousand year gap which was left out of The Scroll due to some corporate mismanagement. This Scroll has received a Five-Star rating.

The Scroll and all of its eternal properties and conceptions are ©2002-2003 Jeremy, Derek, and Brian. All Rights Reserved. This website was created by Jeremy Lindblom. The Scroll, Inc. will pursue and destroy all those who choose to violate its laws by any means necessary... yes, by ANY means. MWAH HA Ha ha ha ha!!!