Hail The Scroll

Wandering Hither and Thither through the Spork Fields of Power

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Chapter VI: There once was no point to continue this story but now its starting to develop something along the lines of a plot so here we go again and not for the last time since I intend to keep this going until such a time as I'm no longer alive which won't be for quite a while because I have no intention of dying (I'm healing!) this early on in my life.

"So what're we going to do now Josh?" Tiffany asked.

"Same thing we do all the time! Try to find a Taco Bell!" Josh cackled madly.

"He's serious. We're going to find something to eat then be idiots," Angie groaned.

"Sounds like fun!"

So this group isn't doing anything productive though they should continue on their quest for Japan (which they've still yet to reach) to discover the source of Greg's dream.

"Are we there yet?" Josh asked.

"You're the one leading! You should know!"

"Like I can tell the difference between where I am and where I should be! But that's not important right now. We must defeat the evil that plagues street corners in most U.S. cities!"


"No! Del Taco! It must be destroyed!"

(Now, this chapter was supposed to be written by Josh but I'm getting really impatient so Kyle (the only true author of this most outrageous questing of quests that lacks in all reason (why do you think that this is being put on The Scroll?)) is going to take over and restore some creativity to this seemingly lost cause (that's most of this story so this is now officially my work so back the crap off (Sorry for using a bad word all you crazy people who don't like the word crap (once again, sorry))

"Why don't we just destroy something easier? Like... that tree over there?" Tiffany asked.

"Because the entire purpose of this story is to destroy the evil that plagues our lives. Besides, that tree looks pretty tough to beat."

"Oh yeah? My friends the sloth army! Come to me!" A menacing sloth army of impending apocalyptic catastrophe rampaged towards us at mock sloth sleeps that would leave most beasts tired from moving so slowly and so we continue on. The sloth army began to beat unrelentingly against the tree they deemed their enemy. Their massive double jointed thumbs fought against the seemingly unmovable branches until the tree fell to shards of wood.

"What did that prove?" Angie picked up a branch and broke it in half.

"That my army can defeat anyone it declares its enemy. So, who wants a piece of me?" Tiffany snarled.

"Um... we've gotten past the whole 'fight the good guys' thing Tiff. We're now on the 'fight the bad guys' kick," the lead sloth said tapping Tiffany on the shoulder.

"Oh yeah!" Tiffany said looking forgetfully into the air.

"You've got a short atten... Ooo a penny!" Josh said running forward and grabbing for the ground. A flutter of dust surrounded Josh and shielded him from our view. "Hey! What's going on! Where's my penny?"

Josh was being taken away by a net that suspended him inches above the ground. He clawed for the ground screaming in anger. "My penny!"

"And he says I've got a short attention span?" Tiffany said running for him. Josh was being taken away by a truck (where that came out of I have no idea. Come to think of it, I have no idea where they are presently in this story but we'll just go with the idea that our current heroes are stuck somewhere between suburbia and Japan. Yeah, that'll work)

This Story Is Not Yet Finished... Yet.

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