The Scroll, Inc.     
The Scroll, Inc. -- Where Money, Intelligence, and Technology collide in a terrible, terrible accident.
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We searched diligently through the basement, the cabinets, and the dust-covered files to bring you strange things from the secret archives of The Scroll, Inc. Here they are without delay.

  • Merchandise - This is the merchandise page as viewed on the former website.
  • Scroll Images - This is a collection of images that are used on the website and some that are not.
  • Derek's Ransom Letter - This is a ransom letter for Derek when he went missing.
  • Archived News - This section holds all the news posts of old.
The Scroll and all of its eternal properties and conceptions are ©2002-2003 Jeremy, Derek, and Brian. All Rights Reserved. This website was created by Jeremy Lindblom. The Scroll, Inc. will pursue and destroy all those who choose to violate its laws by any means necessary... yes, by ANY means. MWAH HA Ha ha ha ha!!!